Thursday, July 28, 2016

Netlogon folders missing from newly promoted DC

After I promoted a 2012 R2 server to a DC of a 2003 functional domain, I transferred all roles, and confirmed so multiple times, as I've been caught out with FSMO roles and Global Catalogs in my youth.

Everything looked good.
So I demoted the old 2003 DC.
Restarted the server, to join it back on the domain to transfer the last few shares overnight.
Couldn't communicate to the domain. Skip past all the basic troubleshooting (DNS server, etc), I'm logging onto the newly promoted DC to delete the old computer object as a "maybe", when I run into the following error. For all AD MMC applications.

Brilliant, I thought to myself. Immediately firing up a command promt as Admin, I ran dcdiag and noticed "failed" a few times flashed past my eyes in a rush. After scrolling backto the top, I notice the DcGetDcName called failed with error 1355 (as below).

This highlighted that during the promotion process, it didn't actually create the share for NETLOGON and SYSVOL, or the Scripts and Policies folders.

To resolve this;

  1. I browsed to C;\Windows\sysvol\sysvol\domain name\ and created the Scripts and Policies folders manually.
  2. Regedit: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Ntfrs\Parameters\Backup/Restore\Process at Startup
  3. Locate the BurFlags DWORD and modified the value to D4
  4. I then restarted the File Replication Services on the new DC.
  5. This automatically shares the NETLOGON and SYSVOL 
No restart required, and I was able to get into all AD MMC applications, and join the domain again.

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